Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Jewelry made by Emily
Luggage Tags
I had a lot of fun making these, but also got frustrated working with the vinyl. My sewing machine is not fancy and does not work well with vinyl. It continually got stuck on the vinyl... So, to remedy my issue, I cut wax paper and placed it between the sewing foot and the vinyl... and also ended up using my mom's Elna sewing machine. Between the two of these helps, I was able to finish all 16 luggage tags in time for Christmas.
Having matching luggage tags will help while traveling with 4 children and trying to find so many pieces of luggage.
Find the tutorial to make these over at SkipToMyLou and let me know if you make your own. Be sure to find these and more available in other fabrics over at my store SewWhatSteph! I'll be adding more soon.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
1 week 'til Christmas!
I've decided that my children's aprons will have to wait to get done at a later date. I've had another sewing project that has taken precedence.
I'm working on a project for my sister and her family. They are moving out of the country in the new year, so I've been wracking my brain to come up with a creative and useful gift for Christmas. I came across the perfect gift that they are sure to take with them on their journey. I won't talk about it yet as my sis might check in on my site before Christmas, and I want it to stay a surprise. However, I will post pictures of this fun and easy travel accessory... (hint, hint) Can you guess what it is?!

Stay tuned for more details!
And if I don't stop by before Christmas... May the truth of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ fill your hearts with joy and peace this season and in the new year!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Finger Knitting - Fun for All Ages!
This is the best Youtube video I've found to show you an easy way to learn...
Enjoy! And let me know if you give it a try. My girls have come to love this and will finish a child's size scarf in a matter of an hour. It's a great craft for your children to make for Christmas gifts for their teachers too.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
This Year's Cookie Package Treats
I thought I'd show you a sampling of what went into this year's package (that just so happened to be mailed today!). I hope it arrives in one piece!
I hope they enjoy these goodies as much as I enjoyed putting them together for them! Honestly, I think it's more of a gift to me than to them. I love doing this kind of thing. The kids play a part in it all and it truly is a fun tradition in our house year after year.
For recipes of the homemade items in this year's cookie package...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
If only...
Thankfully, I was able to set aside this past Saturday to decorate the house with Christmas decorations - we even have 2 Christmas trees this year, which is a first. Our tradition goes as follows:
- Hubby goes up to the attic and pulls everything down.
- The kids go crazy wanting to pull everything out of the bins at one time.
- Mom says, "No." Then, we try to do it in an organized fashion. (Note the word "try.")
It's fun to see the kid's faces as familiar decorations are pulled out of the bins. We go around the house placing things here and there. Then the tree goes up. This year, I had a smaller tree that fit perfectly in our book nook that I rearranged earlier this year. Then, we worked on our hand-me-down 7ft tree that is the most beautiful tree we've ever had (pictured above). Our house looks festive, greenery is around the front door, and the wreath is hung on the door.
Another tradition in our house is that each year the kids get to pick out an ornament to add to their collection. Here is what each of them picked. I love to see how it shows their personality.
This is Sophia's... it came with 2 little dolls with braids. She loves to read and likes things pretty and simple. I love that about her!
Next comes Emily... She is my glitz and glamour girl, loves pretty things, love treats, and loves getting gifts. A pink lollipop is what she chose!
Then, there's my little man Isaac. He couldn't decide what he wanted, so I had to help him a bit. He loves stuffed animals, and thought this giraffe was a good pick. However, he didn't want to put it on the tree. He'd much rather play with it. That's a boy for you! :)
I hope you are having a nice Christmas season. May we always remember the true reason for Christmas... Jesus Christ!