Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Patchwork and Ruffles!

I have really begun to enjoy patchwork sewing. Recently, I was inspired by a shopping trip in which I saw a beautiful patchwork skirt that my daughter fell in love with. I know I'm not the only one to find something I love and say, "I think I could make that!" And so I set out to create this skirt! Here's the finished project.

Ignore the little threads on the bottom. The perfectionistic side of me needs to go get a pair of scissors and cut those off...

My daughter loves how it flows and has worn this skirt for the past 2 days - with exception to bedtime. In our house, it truly comes down to the "twirl factor". That is, does the skirt make a beautiful twirly movement when you spin in a circle. If it does, it's a beautiful skirt. And I'm happy to say that the twirl factor with this skirt was a winner!

(You'll notice that I used mostly fabric I've been using lately. I'm slowly building up my fabric collection... and am in need of some organization of it too!)